For Activity Days last week we played Jeopardy. The girls did great!
Since I can't figure out how to attach PDFs or other documents to a post you get it all long hand here. I should also note that we had the pictures of all the Church officers (from the Ensign) that we allowed the girls to reference for most questions.
Hope you enjoy!
Historic Moments
100. Elder Oaks used historical accounts in Bible scriptures to teach us how to be righteous followers. Who do we follow? (Jesus Christ)
200. Name one of the two temples President Monson announced will be built. (Cedar City, Utah; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
300. Elder Scott said it’s amazing and wonderful that the scriptures can fit on the small electronic devices in our pockets. He then counseled us to do this as often as we send text messages. What should we do? (review/read scriptures)
400. We saw something that has never happened before during the closing prayer of the first session of conference and again at the opening prayer of the Sunday afternoon session. What happened? (women offered the prayers)
500. Sister Dalton’s husband had the privilege of laying the carpet in the Conference Center. When he was laying the last piece of carpet under the pulpit he asked her what scripture he should write under the carpet. Which scripture did Sister Dalton suggest? (b. Mosiah 18:9)
a. Helaman 5:12 = build upon a sure foundation
b. Mosiah 18:9 = stand as a witness of God
c. Articles of Faith 6 = we believe in prophets and apostles
Initial Letters
100. What does the S stand for in Thomas S. Monson? (a. Spencer)
a. Spencer b. Stanley c. Stephen
200. What does the F stand for in Dieter F. Uchtdorf? (b. Friedrich)
a. Francesco b. Friedrich c. Faviolo
300. What does the K stand for in Boyd K. Packer? (c. Kenneth)
a. Kyle b. Keith c. Kenneth
400. What does the G stand for in Richard G. Scott? (a. Gordon)
a. Gordon b. George c. Grant
500. What does the D stand for in D. Todd Christofferson? (b. David)
a. Dean b. David c. Daniel
Story Time
100. When President Monson was only 8 years old he and one of his friends started something at Vivian Park. What did they start? (a fire)
200. Bishop Davies told about driving in his car one day and he thought he had a flat tire. What was really happening? (there was an earthquake)
300. President Packer has a nest of finches in his yard. One day the birds were chirping loudly and sounding very distressed. What caused their alarm? (a snake was in their nest)
400. President Uchtdorf was in a meeting in West Africa when the lights in the building went out. What did the people do while they waited for the lights to come back on? (sang hymns)
500. Elder Cook told about a family who was living just a few blocks away from where airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001. Where did this family go to seek peace and refuge? (the church house)
Called of the Lord
100. Name the three members of the First Presidency. (Presidents Monson, Eyring, Uchtdorf)
200. Name three members of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles. (Packer, Perry, Nelson, Oaks, Ballard, Scott, Hales, Holland, Bednar, Cook, Christofferson, Anderson)
300. We had the opportunity and privilege of sustaining a new presidency in which women’s auxiliary organization? (the Young Women’s)
400. Sister Rosemary Wixom spoke about how to teach children. What is her calling in the Church? (general primary president)
500. Who is next in line to become the President of the Church? (President Packer)
100. Harriet Reich U. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)
200. Frances Beverly Johnson M. (Thomas S. Monson)
300. Kathleen Johnson E. (Henry B. Eyring)
400. Patricia Terry H. (Jeffrey R. Holland)
500. Jeanene Watkins S. (Richard G. Scott)
By the Numbers
100. How many men make up the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles? (15)
200. This conference was the _____rd Annual General Conference. (183)
300. How many sessions of general conference are there during the two days? (five)
400. How many temples were dedicated in 2012? (6 = 4 new temples and 2 temples rededicated)
500. Rounding up, about how many members of the Church are there in the world? (15 million, 14.78 million)
Apply It
100. Many speakers talked about families. What is one thing you can do to help your family today?
200. Many speakers talked about missionary work. How can you be a missionary right now?
300. Sister Elaine Dalton said that “we are daughters of our Heavenly Father.” What does that mean?
400. What was your favorite talk? Why?
500. What was your favorite song sung during conference? Why?
100. General Conference held in the ________________________. (Conference Center)
200. President Eyring said that he feels the Savior’s love and the comfort of the Holy Ghost when he takes the _____________ each Sunday. (sacrament)
300. Elder Perry taught us that we will be blessed with freedom and liberty when we ________ the commandments of God. (obey)
400. Elder Nelson counseled us to “catch the wave of ____________ work.” (missionary)
500. Elder Holland said we must have the ________ of a mustard seed. (faith)
Think of one word that relates to things we heard in general conference and begins with the
100. letter A (agency, atonement, apostle)
200. letter R (repentance, restoration, redeem)
300. letter J (Jesus, Joseph Smith, judgment)
400. letter F (forgiveness, faith, fathers)
500. letter O (obedience)
Baby Face
100. President Thomas S. Monson
200. Elder David A. Bednar
300. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
400. Elder L. Tom Perry
500. Elder Quentin L. Cook