
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Works #2

2. Service is an essential principle of family living. Help plan your family’s menus, obtain the food, and prepare part of the meals for two weeks. During that time help your family gather to share mealtimes. Report to your class what you have learned.

I have learned much over the last year as I have prepared all the meals we have eaten in our home. Mostly, I have learned how important it is to gather as a family and share a meal together. I hope Dave and I will make mealtime a tradition in our family, no matter how busy our schedules get. There is no better time to get to understand what is happening in each others' lives, to strengthen our love and relationships with each other, and preparing meals together and cleaning up afterwards teaches valuable life skills. I am grateful that growing up my family always made dinners a priority. The family Dave and I will raise will carry on with that important tradition.

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