
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Virtue #1

1. Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. It includes chastity and purity. The power to create mortal life is an exalted power God has given His children. He has commanded that this power be used only between a man and a woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife. Study the meaning and importance of chastity and virtue by reading Moroni 9:9; Jacob 2:28; “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (see page 101); and the section on sexual purity in For the Strength of Youth. Also read Article of Faith number thirteen and Proverbs 31:10–31. In your journal write the promised blessings of being sexually clean and pure and your commitment to be chaste.

~ Promised blessings of being sexually clean and pure. ~
* Moroni 9:9 - chastity and virtue are most dear and precious above all things.
* Jacob 2:28 - the Lord delights in the chastity of women.
* Proclamation - temple marriage and eternal families; obedience to God's commandment-the Law of Chastity-and the Lord will sanctify your marriage and family; happiness in the family, heirs of eternal life, fulfill your divine destiny, return to the presence of God; successful marriage and family.
* For the Strength of Youth: Sexual Purity - expressing love between husband and wife; creating children; preparing yourself for marriage and having a family; preparing yourself for the temple; protect yourself from emotional damage; inner peace, companionship of Holy Ghost.
* Article of Faith 13 - strengthens our belief in the gospel (our testimony), our hope, our ability to endure all things; fills our life with beauty.
* Proverbs 31:10 - the price of a virtuous woman is far above rubies
- v. 11 - her husband trusts her
- v. 12 - she does good - or blesses - her husband
- v. 17 - she girds her loins and arms with strength
- v. 25 - she manifests strength and honor and she rejoices
- v. 28 - her children call her blessed and her husband praises her

~ My committment to be chaste. ~
The Lord really does want us to be chaste and virtuous. And there are so many blessings that will come from our obedience. I really like what Sister Dalton recently said at the Young Women Meeting. She told the girls to focus on "deep beauty," the kind that shines from the inside out. "Deep beauty springs from virtue. It is the beauty of being chaste and morally clean. It is the kind of beauty that you see in the eyes of virtuous women. It is the beauty that is earned through faith, repentance, and honoring covenants."

I want to receive and shine with deep beauty. I also want to always be worthy to enter the temple and receive the blessings that have been promised to me and my husband. I have covenanted to keep the Law of Chastity and so I will. I want eternal life with Heavenly Father and my family. I promise to always be clean and pure that those magnificent blessings will be mine!

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