
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Choice & Accountability #2

2. Read the pamphlet For the Strength of Youth. List in your journal each standard of righteous behavior the pamphlet outlines, and record why it is important to choose to live those standards. Practice living righteous standards by choosing three standards in which you need to improve. You might choose to be more selective about television, music, books, or other media, or you might improve your modesty, language, or honesty. After three weeks share your progress with your family, your class, or a leader.

~ For the Strength of Youth ~
* Agency = righteous choices lead to happiness
* Gratitude = a spirit of thanksgiving increases our happiness and strengthens us
* Education = will help me be an influence for good in the world and better provide for myself and family
* Family = the family is the most sacred unit of the church, always seek to strengthen family relationships
* Friends = friends help determine who you become, choose good friends with similar standards and values
* Dress & Appearance = modest dress shows others and yourself that you are a disciple of Christ and invites the companionship of the Holy Ghost and influences others for good
* Entertainment & Media = choosing good uplifting media lets the Spirit stay with you, allows you to have good thoughts and actions
* Music & Dancing = have fun but choose good music and appropriate dancing so the Spirit can be present
* Language = good, clean language shows you are bright and intelligent; use it to uplift others
* Dating = date those with similar standards and always prepare for a temple marriage
* Sexual Purity = intimacy is reserved for married couples; stying chaste prepares you to enter the temple and build a strong marriage
* Repentance = releases you from the bondage of sin, brings peace and strength, restores the spirit
* Honesty = builds character and trust - the Lord and others trust you - peace of mind and self-respect
* Sabbath Day Observance = it will bring you closer to the Lord and your family, gives you rest and rejuvenation
* Tithes and Offerings = shows gratitude to God for all you have, helps others in need, builds the Kingdom, brings the Spirit
* Physical Health = obey the Word of Wisdom and have more control over your body and mind and receive the companionship of the Holy Ghost
* Service to Others = Heavenly Father helps others through you, pray for opportunities to serve, you will be closer to Heavenly Father and blessed

~ Practice Living three Standards ~
* Service: pray for it, look for it, do it
* Honesty: do work first, pay for all copies
* Physical Health: exercise 120 minutes per week, limit sugar

~ Share Progress ~
I have been praying for opportunities to serve and they have come. I can't think of anything big but I do remember felling impressed, after a couple of small things, that those opportunities came because I asked for them. It really does feel good to help others.

I have tried to be more honest at work with my time and copies or printouts. I think this has made me less cranky about work. A small miracle.

I've done pretty good with the physical health challenge. I did all the required exercise and began to notice how poorly I felt after eating sugar. I pray this is something I can keep up so I have a long and healthy life.

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