
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Good Works #1

1. Learn why service is a fundamental principle of the gospel. Read Matthew 5:13–16; 25:34–40; Galatians 6:9–10; James 1:22–27; Mosiah 2:17; 4:26; and 3 Nephi 13:1–4. Others often give service you may not notice, such as preparing meals, reading to or listening to younger children, repairing clothing, or helping a brother or sister. For two weeks record in your journal the quiet acts of service your family members and others perform. Acknowledge their service in some meaningful way.

June 24, 2010: These scriptures all say, in a nutshell, that we have to be serving others according to our means. Service is the only way we will receive an inheritance in the Kingdom of God.

~ Quiet acts of service others perform ~
* Dave did dishes, helped with dinner, took out the garbage, washed my car, watered the garden
* Mom threw a holiday party for our family, gave me prizes for an activity, took me to a play and out to dinner, let us invite ourselves for Sunday dinner
* Maureen registered our new car, threw a holiday party for the family, brought Dave lunch
* The missionaries take on my work assignments so I can spend time with my family and calling
* People hold doors and elevators open for me
* Sabrina invited us for dinner
* My Young Women Presidency helped with activies and taught Sunday lessons

~ Acknowledge their service ~
* I gave Dave a shoulder massage
* I helped Mom with a project in the yard and helped fix dinner to take to the neighbors

July 21, 2010: I know this list is anything but comprehensive. People around us are serving in all sorts of ways; sometimes we notice their acts and sometimes we don't. I am grateful for those who do serve me and I am grateful for the opportunities I have to give back to them. Serving makes us happy because it invites the Spirit. I pray that I can be of more service to others and be quick to recognize the service they provide me.

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